Sunday, September 6, 2009

Memorable Celebration

Firstly ,
a big THANK YOUU to Jia Kee, Priscilla & Qin Yi! (:
Thanks for all the things all of you had prepared.
Early celebration of my birthday yesterday. (:
Went to Ehub , Kbox .
First time got boys go with us .
Think JiaKee should be let us scare dao le. ><
Play till damn crazy !
Reached home at around 8.45pm .
Pictures, will be uploaded next time.

Really, thanks for all the things you all have done. I know, this year i have been weird, always having a bad mood/no mood at all. But, no questions were raised as to why i'm like that. I'm just very glad, whenever you all didnt ask. Cos, i didnt really like to talk it out. It's quite obvious that i didnt like to talk it out anyway. >< Well , i just wan t to say a VERY VERY VERY BIG THANK YOUU ! (:


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