Friday, September 25, 2009

Reality hurts

Back from chalet since monday (:
Really enjoyed .
But seriously, i'm having a bad cough and running nose now .
It's been like 4 days , still coughing quite badly.
Perep says that i fall sick every month, totally true .
Going off to Alicia's bday party tomorrow , (:
Anyways , I still wanna go and play ! ^^
Off-ing now , watching Fated to love you last episode .
Goodnights , (L) .

btw, some pictures .

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Short hoiday clears the mind

Going off to chalet in about .... 13mins . 
Packed everything , wallet, bag, clothes, bf[handphone] . 
Going off to enjoy myself , last boost of energy b4 facing the deadly EXAMS ! (: 
Byes , 


Friday, September 18, 2009

Like Little children

PE , played like crazy . 
I(L) being the goalkeeper in captains ball ^^ 
Chemistry test is so gonna flunk. I read the question wrongly AND wrote the wrong answer. 
How clever. :( 
Raining all day long, waited in school for it to stop. 
Did homework,read a book,PE rep came down . 
Crap & laugh in the canteen with , let's see.... a lot of people. (: 
Played lift catching with Jacob Corinne Annabelle Alicia Silly.PErep Priscilla
was really dangerous today , kept meeting into residents . 
Totally NOT fun :|


Wednesday, September 16, 2009


It's the 166th post i've written . 
Gotten our class photos today . ^^ 
Grandma say i would look better if my eyes were BIGGER . -.- 
Who ask me to born with small eyes . >< 
DnT , model passed ! (: 
Writing the details of the sample one . 
Hope everything goes on smoothly , (:

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


School reopened. 
Okays, i got a puffy eyes . >< 
Nothing much happen today , lessons as usual. 
Have to redo model . 
First one failed. :( 
Cut my hair yesterday , i know there is not much difference.  
Stress management module is boring . 
MACDONALS for lunchhhhh :D today
Been awhile since i had mac , imy !  
Went to the usual place to have lunch.[Not in mac] 
Home-ed withh piggy (: 

Labels: ,

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Two's world


Yesterday went to study with Piggy.
Now i realise, bluetooth is fun. :D
Kept joking & laughing with Piggy.
[Ah Yuann ] - Crap . LOLS.
Eric came, gave me my bday present.
Thank youu ! (:
Went to look for bags in AMKhub with Piggy.
Nothing much, over our budget.
Around 7pm.
Plaza Sing , celebrate mummeh's birthday.
Had Aji-Tei .
Not bad the food , i treat mummeh (:
Cost 50bucks , Omggggggg. ><
On the way home,
a sicko sit next to me .
Dammmmmm Suayyyyyyy !
Wth, he's like so noisy .
Keep disturbing a couple infront of me.
He looked at me, i just ignored him .
10pm , home sweet home.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Did D&T model.
It was difficult , we wasted quite a long time to do the base.
Fiona,Vileen,Piggy,ShiYu,ALvin came too.
I was late,with Piggy ! ><
Sorry, Priscilla & all, kept you all waiting.
Gone to Yoshinoya too.
Bus-ed back home .

Tags Reply(:
Sebas ;Okays,will link you. (:
Nisryna ; Thank youu,nvm. (:
Ginnyleeyijing ; Hellos, (:

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Body Aches

My spine is very pain !
Craps, think i didn't sleep well.
Holiday week is SOOOOOOO busy.
Friday having class gathering ![ Finally ^^]
Guess i won't be going to Changi.
Orchestra tomorrow again , :(

Tag Replies

Priscilla ;Thanks eh!(:.
Passerby ; Gee by SNSD. (:
Johnathan ; Haha, you soo old already arhh. Thn i happy liao. ^^

Monday, September 7, 2009

Officially 15

OMG, today is officially my BIRTHDAY ! (:
So fast old already .
Geeeeeeeee. ><
Also ,
Haha, same birthday as meee! (:
Mummeh bought me out for Swensens!
Ilovelovelove the chocolate ice-creams.
Had Chicken Mushroom Spagettie .
Travelled to AMKhub with Joey,Jonie,SzeLing&Chikkan.
Didnt manage to buy a bagg i want. :(
Nehverminds , going buy one a little later^^
Blogger has some irritating problems again.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Memorable Celebration

Firstly ,
a big THANK YOUU to Jia Kee, Priscilla & Qin Yi! (:
Thanks for all the things all of you had prepared.
Early celebration of my birthday yesterday. (:
Went to Ehub , Kbox .
First time got boys go with us .
Think JiaKee should be let us scare dao le. ><
Play till damn crazy !
Reached home at around 8.45pm .
Pictures, will be uploaded next time.

Really, thanks for all the things you all have done. I know, this year i have been weird, always having a bad mood/no mood at all. But, no questions were raised as to why i'm like that. I'm just very glad, whenever you all didnt ask. Cos, i didnt really like to talk it out. It's quite obvious that i didnt like to talk it out anyway. >< Well , i just wan t to say a VERY VERY VERY BIG THANK YOUU ! (:

Friday, September 4, 2009


After school went to Vileen's house. (:
Fiona , Priscilla too.
Okay, it was supah tiring .
OMG, Bella is cute .
However , she is SCARY ! :x
Kept asking me to accompany her play.
Turn round & round & round.
Gosh, giddy luh.
She called de MUMMEH !
Sorry Priscilla,Fiona & Aunty ! ><
Didn't help till all of your much.
Kept entertaining Bella . :s
Well, went back around 5.30.
Going out tomorrow , (:
Celebrating my birthday !
Heeeeeeeeeeeeees (: